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Summer Program: Secondary S.T.A.R. Power

Find Your Passion


Feeling uncertain as to whether traditional school suits your child? Are you exploring alternatives or seeking ways to support your child in discovering and leveraging their passions for university admissions and a successful future? HEYA Summer Talent Acceleration Reactor (S.T.A.R.) Programs for Secondary students offer a glimpse into our unique approach, assisting your teen in finding their path and gaining clarity. Participants receive a complimentary assessment, insights into their strengths and weaknesses, and a tailored learning plan, all while enjoying a variety of fun themes and becoming valued members of our welcoming community. 

Thai Summer: 4th March - 5th April 2024

International Summer: 17th June - 2nd Aug 2024

Rocket Launch

Week:1 Tech Innovators 

Focus on the latest in digital innovation through team tech challenges in coding, app development, and robotics.

Guest Speaker

Week 2: Global Leaders

A week dedicated to global issues and leadership skills through debate, public speaking and leadership, leading up to HEYA’s own “Model Davos” conference!

Guest Speaker
Dartboard Bullseye
Dartboard Bullseye

Week 3: Personal Financial Mastery

This week is dedicated to teaching the essentials of personal financial management, budgeting, and saving, including a virtual stock market challenge to see who can build the most successful portfolio.

Illustrated Female Character

Week 4: Creative Arts and Media

Enhance creativity, storytelling skills, and artistic expression through different media types.

Illustrated Female Character
Startup Development Team
Startup Development Team

Week 5: Entrepreneurship and Business Week

Focus on entrepreneurship, business planning, and financial literacy by creating a start-up to learn about marketing, finance, and business planning.

Life Vision with College Preparation 

We'll guide students on a journey to envision their futures through targeted exercises, clarifying their path to uncover passions and creating a plan for in-depth exploration, all while engaging in enjoyable activities aligned with our weekly themes for a fun and enriching experience. Upper Secondary students will delve into university options, linking their interests to application choices, whereas Lower Secondary students will explore how their interests shape self-understanding and potential career choices.

Early Specialization Programs

Students will delve into early specialization subjects this summer. We'll tailor a program to your interests, whether academic or fun, like character design or mechanical engineering. Matched with a real-life mentor, explore passions and gain insights into your future career.

Registration for
Summer 2024 is open!

It's time you start your learning journey at HEYA.

Make a switch and take control of your future.


Have Questions?

Give us a call or schedule a virtual Q&A session today. 


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